Martelli Duccio

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Telefono: 075/585.5255
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Riferimenti: - Ricevimento: Il docente riceve previo appuntamento in presenza o su Teams


Informazioni personali:

  • Curriculum Vitae
    Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA)
    Financial Strategy and Behavioral Finance: Summer 2015 - present

    University of Applied Sciences (Augsburg, Germany)
    Behavioral finance (undergraduate): Fall 2013, 2014
    Real estate finance (undergraduate): Fall 2013, 2014
    Private banking (undergraduate): Fall 2013, 2014
    Behavioral finance (graduate): May 2013, 2014

    University of Perugia (Perugia, Italy)
    Financial Markets and Institutions (undergraduate): Fall 2013 - present
    Corporate Finance (undergraduate): Fall 2011 - present
    Enterprise Risk Management (graduate): Spring 2012 - present

    University of Perugia (Perugia, Italy) – Teaching Assistant
    Corporate Finance (postgraduate): Spring 2010
    Risk Management and Insurance (postgraduate): Spring 2010

    University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Rome, Italy) – Teaching Assistant
    Commercial Banking Management (undergraduate): Spring 2008, 2009
    Derivative Instruments (postgraduate, in English): Fall 2007, 2008, 2009
    Financial Markets and Institutions (undergraduate): Fall 2007, 2008, 2009
    Portfolio Management (postgraduate): Fall 2006, 2007
    Asset Management (postgraduate): Spring 2007, 2008

    University of Enna “Kore” (Enna, Italy)
    Financial Mathematics (postgraduate): Fall 2008

    University of Teramo (Teramo, Italy)
    Financial Markets (postgraduate): Fall 2007

    University TEL.M.A (Rome, Italy)
    Financial Markets and Institutions (undergraduate, online): 2007, 2008
    Risk Management and Insurance (undergraduate, online): 2007, 2008
    Asset Management (postgraduate, online): 2007, 2008

  • Pubblicazioni
    Martelli D., “Il rischio finanziario”, in Nadotti. L.L.M., “Il risk management nelle imprese umbre”, forthcoming

    Martelli D. (2013), “Comportamenti opportunistici nelle simulazioni di trading: un caso studio”, in Nadotti L.L.M (a cura di), “Banche, mercati e territorio. Ricordando Sergio Corallini. Volume 2: Borse e asset management”, Edizioni Nuova Prhomos, ISBN: 978-88-97-900-80-1

    Martelli D. (2013), “Learning from experience or learning for convenience?”, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Vol. 6 Iss: 3

    Carretta, A., Farina, V., Martelli, D., Fiordelisi, F. and Schwizer, P. (2011), “The Impact of Corporate Governance Press News on Stock Market Returns”, European Financial Management, vol. 17/1, p. 100-119, ISSN: 1354-7798

    Fiordelisi, F. and Martelli, D. (2010), “The impact of corporate culture, efficiency and geographic distance on M&A results: the European case”, in Fiordelisi, F., Molyneux, P. and Previati, D. (eds), New Issues in Financial Markets and Institutions Management, Palgrave Macmillan, U.K., p. 139-152 (ISBN 9780230278103)

    Martelli D. (2010), “Il ruolo chiave della cultura aziendale nei processi di fusione di grandi banche”, in Bancaria, vol. 7/8, p. 56-63, ISSN: 0005-4623

    Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fiordelisi, F., Martelli D., Schwizer, P. and Soana, M.G. (2009), “L’impatto delle notizie di corporate governance sulla performance delle società quotate”, in Maggioli, V., Potito, L. e Viganò, R. (eds), Corporate governance: governo, controllo e struttura finanziaria, XXXI AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management) Meeting, Napoli (Italy), October, 16-17, 2008, Il Mulino, Bologna, p. 447-457, ISBN: 8815132945

    Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fiordelisi, F., Martelli, D., Schwizer, P. and Soana, M.G. (2008), “Corporate governance e performance delle società quotate: il ruolo delle notizie diffuse dai media”. Banca, Impresa e Società, Il Mulino, Bologna (Italy), Anno XXVII, numero 3 (December 2008), p. 359-388, ISSN: 1120-9453

    Carretta A., Fiordelisi F., Caratelli M. and Martelli D. (2008). “La mia banca è differente! Performance e determinanti del localismo bancario”, in Bracchi G., Masciandaro D. (eds), XIII Rapporto sul Sistema Finanziario Italiano “Banche italiane e governo dei rischi, Imprese, famiglie, regole.”, Edibank-Bancaria Editrice, Milano (Italy), p. 95-129, ISBN: 8844904667

    Carretta A., Farina V., Fiordelisi F., Martelli D. e Schwizer P. (2008), The Role of Corporate Governance News: Evidence from Italy, working paper available at SSRN:

  • Convegni
    Martelli, D. and Burchi, A. (2013), “Herding Behavior in the Chinese Stock Market. A Comparative Analysis with Other BRICS”, World Finance & Banking Symposium, Beijing (China), December 16-17, 2013

    Martelli D. (2013), author and chair of the Special Session “Do Trading Simulations Really Help Students to Improve Their Financial Knowledge?”, Fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, Chicago (USA), September 17-20, 2013

    Martelli, D. and Burchi, A. (2013), “Herding Behavior in the Chinese Stock Market. A Comparative Analysis with Other BRICS”, ADEIMF Annual Conference, Lecce (Italy), September 20-21, 2013

    Martelli, D. (2012), “Going for broke! Opportunistic behaviors in trading simulations”, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, New York City (USA), September 18-21, 2012

    Fiordelisi, F. and Martelli, D. (2012), “Corporate culture and merger success in banking”, 74th Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Bolzano (Italy), May 30 – June 2, 2012

    Gallo M., Martelli D. and Vannoni V, “I canali di distribuzione dei servizi bancari per le imprese”, XXXIV Annual Conference AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management), Perugia (Italy), October 13-14, 2011

    Fiordelisi F. and Martelli D., “Corporate culture and merger results in banking”, 2011 IFABS Annual Conference, Rome (Italy), June 29 – July 2, 2011

    Martelli D., “Learning from experience or learning for convenience?”, Banca, Mercati e Territorio Conference, Terni (Italy), May 10, 2011

    Fiordelisi, F. and Martelli, D. (2010), “Corporate Culture and M&A Results in the European Banking”, 2010 FMA Annual Meeting, New York City, NY (USA), October 20-23, 2010

    Fiordelisi, F. and Martelli, D. (2010), “Corporate Culture and M&A results in the European banking”, International Conference on "Global Trends in the Efficiency and Risk Management of Financial Services", Chania (Greece), July 2-4, 2010

    Giannotti, C., Martelli, D. and Pischedda L. (2010), “The Analysis Of Tenant Risk In The Italian Real Estate Market”, ERES - European Real Estate Society, 17th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference 2008, Milano (Italy), June 23-26, 2010

    Gallo M., Martelli D. and Vannoni V, “La crisi finanziaria e la liquidità nei bilanci delle banche italiane”, ADEIMF Annual Conference, June 18-19, 2010

    Fiordelisi, F. and Martelli, D. (2009), “The impact of corporate culture, efficiency and geographic distance on M&A results: the European case”, 2009 European Association of University Teachers of Banking and Finance “Wolpertinger” Annual Conference, Roma (Italy), September 2-5, 2009

    Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fiordelisi, F., Martelli D. and Schwizer, P. (2009). “The impact of corporate governance press news on stock market returns”, 2009 EFMA Conference, Milano (Italy), June 24-27, 2009

    Carretta, A., Farina, V., Fiordelisi, F., Martelli D., Schwizer, P. and Soana, M.G. (2008), “Corporate governance e performance delle società quotate: il ruolo delle notizie diffuse dai media”, XXXI AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management) Meeting, Napoli (Italia), October 16-17, 2008

    Giannotti, C., Manstretta, D., and Martelli, D. (2008), “Tenant risk in the Italian real estate funds: analysis and communication”, ERES - European Real Estate Society, 15th Annual European Real Estate Society Conference 2008, Krakow (Poland), June, 18-21, 2008